World Wide Web and the Internet revolution – add your voice
Every year on 12th of March, World Wide Web(WWW) celebrates its birthday. It was on March 1989; Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web for global information sharing. For this reason, he is best known as the father of the World Wide Web.
This year also, the day was celebrated in special way. W3C, the consortium, which overseas web developments and maintain web standards, celebrated WWW birthday week from 7-14 March. This blog entitled, This Week: Happy Birthday World Wide Web! #WEB25, lists all activities held for the World Wide Web 25th birthday. The Telegraph blogged, 25 years of the World Wide Web: 25 Web Superstars. The blog post introduced 25 web pioneers. On this day, social media trended hashtag #WEB25, social media users sent their birthday messages to WWW and respect to the inventor.
On this day, Tim Berners-Lee posted a blog on Google’s official blog. He wants web to be free and open. There were many articles around the web to remark this day. Since its invention, WWW has changed the world a lot in the following quarter-century. No doubt, neither there are not any sector untouched with the web and nor there will be in future. Rather everyone hopes for further advanced world with technology for economic activity and democracy. To honor the important event World Wide Web Consortium and the World Wide Web Foundation lunched Tim Berners-Lee shared a message on Web 25th Anniversary to the web users.
Like Tim Berners-Lee, who sees nothing without WWW, we also cannot imagine our daily life without it. In the video message, he raises many questions regarding human rights, privacy, governance, economy and availability of the web. To shape the web and make it amazing we all need to participate and raise voice together.
Communities which maintain web standard, upgrade technology and raise voice
Here are some international bodies, which allow us to take part in open activities.
W3C – World Wide Web Consortium is international community, which develops web standards.
World Wide Web Foundation – With the motto, Connecting People – Empowering Humanity, Tim Berners-Lee established this organization to help make an open Web available, usable and valuable for everyone. It tackles the obstacle seen on the vision of the open web.
Google Take Action – Helps you participate and express your voice on a free and open web. Google regularly initiate and take actions for the betterment of the web. The upcoming event from Google is hang out with a father of the internet “Vint Cerf” on April 2, 2014.
Participate and Hang out with a father of the internet – Vint Cerf.
#Respect – Inventors of the Web and the Internet.
Tim Berners-Lee
Father of World Wide Web
VInt Cerf
Father of the Internet
Author’s voice
Webaryal supports for the free and open web. We all active users of the internet and the creators of the internet are the one to shape the future internet. The web has gone transformation change from merely web to the social web, so it has become a powerful medium for expression. Let it be free and open always.
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